Član Nadzornog odbora
Prof. dr Goran Petković
Prof. Dr. Goran Petkovic
Prof. Dr. Goran Petkovic was born on 14 April 1963 in Belgrade.
Full professor at the Faculty of Economics of the Belgrade University. He teaches the following courses: Marketing Channels, Trade Management, and Trade Marketing & Sales Management (main academic studies), as well as Marketing Channel Strategies and Sales Management & Sales (master’s studies). He participates in the teaching of the subject of Methodology of Scientific Research (doctoral studies).
He is a member of the editorial board of the journal Ekonomika preduzeća (The Economy of Companies). He has held various positions in governmental bodies, first as a member of the High Council of Civil Service, and then as the state secretary between 2007 and 2013 in ministries of the Government of the Republic of Serbia that were in charge of tourism. He attended specialization as a scholar of the Fulbright Foundation at Hofstra University in USA. He is a member of the Presidency of the Association of Serbian Economists. He has participated in writing of several books about trade marketing, trade management and sales.